A Current Headshot Instills Trust


If you swipe right on Tinder photo, set up a date with that person and they turn out to be much older or different looking than their profile pic, would you date them?

Think of your older LinkedIn or website headshot you haven’t updated in the same way. Your profile pic here and in your business site should look like you do today, not from five or 10 years ago. Otherwise you erode trust at the outset of starting a new business relationship.

I get it; you like that old headshot of you. You’re thinner, younger, have more hair. . . pick your descriptor.

BUT, it’s likely NOT how you look today. And that matters.

I’m confident you still look great; you just need to be photographed in great lighting, and (ladies) maybe you need to have a professional makeup artist/hairstylist. Consider a headshot session an investment in yourself and your brand, because it is.

Aimee hadn’t updated her headshot in years and didn’t think she was photogenic. Here’s her old profile pic along with her new one that I shot, where my makeup artist helped her look stunning. Not only does she look great, she looks in her profile pic as she does today.

So when was the last time you updated your headshot? And what’s holding you back?


What Expression Should You Have in a Headshot?